
Learn how to install the plugin in your CTFd.


This tutorial will guide you through the installation and configuration of the CTFd-chall-manager plugin to use chall-manager.


Ensure you have chall-manager running before starting this tutorial. You can find the relevant documentation for setup instructions.

Install the plugin

If you are not using the docker-compose.yml file, you need to clone the repository into CTFd/CTFd/plugins/ctfd-chall-manager.

# Clone the CTFd repository
git clone

# Clone the plugin repository
git clone CTFd/CTFd/plugins/ctfd-chall-manager

# (optional) Start Redis with Docker
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis:<version>

## (optional) Configure plugin to use redis serveur
export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379

# Start CTFd
cd CTFd
python3 -m venv venv 
source venv/bin/activate 
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Clone the plugin repository
git clone

# Create Docker network
docker network create testing

# (optional) Start Redis with Docker
docker run -d --name redis-svc --network testing redis:<version>

# Start CTFd with Docker
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 [-e REDIS_URL=redis://redis-svc:6379] -v ./ctfd-chall-manager:/opt/CTFd/CTFd/plugins/ctfd-chall-manager --network testing ctfd/ctfd:<version>

After completing this step, you should be able to access the plugin settings configuration in the CTFd UI.

The plugin is visible in the UI

If the plugin does not appear, verify your container volume mounts, then check the CTFd logs for import module entries, such as:

The plugin is visible in the logs

Configure the plugin to use chall-manager

To connect the plugin to chall-manager, go to the plugin settings.

The default configuration is:

Default plugin configuration

Adjust the plugin settings to match your environment, ensuring CTFd can communicate with chall-manager. For instance:

CTFd can successfully reach chall-manager

What’s next?

Congratulations! At this point, your setup is ready to use chall-manager for your CTF events.